Thursday, August 27, 2009

Middle School Orientation

Today was TL’s first taste of Middle School! She woke up bright and early so she could straighten her hair (with a smile no less) and was eager to catch the bus…unfortunately, the bus broke down and she ended up having to have her grandmother drive her to school (I’m sure there’s an 80’s teenage angst movie with that exact scenario somewhere). But when she got home I got a very very very excited phone call. All of her teachers are amazing, she loves middle school, she had classes with friends (but not her BFF) and life is great. In the afternoon parents were invited to visit the school and I got the grand tour. She does have a great team of teachers and every last one of them noted that she was the only one asking questions during the introduction classes she had today. Did anyone doubt that???

I’m looking forward to another amazing school year but also am a little sad that she has started a new phase in her life—I’m not going to be cool much longer… Luckily, as she said, “you never were cool mom” so I guess I have nothing to lose and not much will change.


  1. I am just loving this blog. Even though I talk to you often, this is such a nice summation of the day's or week's events. It is also nice to read about your thoughts and feelings which we don't always get to in our conversations, too many other things to talk about and too busy laughing.

    You girls stay busy, keep us up to date, and don't stop having fun!!


  2. Love the candid, often frank, comments that kids so openly share. Great to hear middle school is often to an incredible start. I would love to offer my 2 cents on the middle school realm if your community would welcome the ideas. Here's a few tips for Day 1/Week 1 of middle school year

    Joe Bruzzese
