Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of Middle School

TL started middle school today and the girl in the picture is much to grown up to be my little girl. Where does the time go???

She loves middle school, loves her teachers, loves the choices in the cafeteria and loves being back with all her friends. She came home and did her homework right away (not much) and is busy making covers for her notebooks and getting organized. Again, she isn't a little girl anymore.

Here's to a great school year with more "straight A's" celebrations!


  1. It is hard to believe she is in Middle School, where does the time go? Great picture. Keep them coming.


  2. That doesn't even look like the same little girl that I saw 2 weeks ago!! She's absolutely beautiful. Here's hoping for another wonderful year for her as well and maybe we can catch a trip up for the celebration of straight A's at the Melting Pot!! Love and Miss you guys!

    The Baldwin's

  3. I can see her running for Class President!

    Have a great day! Wish I could be there to help you celebrate!


  4. Thank you, thank you for all the kind words! I definitely hope the Baldwin's can join us for dinner at the Melting Pot! I promise to be better about pictures and finally, Class Prez? Hmm, you could be on to something there!!!

    I'm still tickled pink (pardon the pun) at the amazing young lady she is becoming!
